Allergy and Dietary Needs
What to do if my student has known food allergies

While YKSD appreciates verbal confirmation of student allergies, it is important to have this information documented and have a list of food substitutions that your student can have in it's place. While we may be unable to accommodate all allergies, we would be happy to work with you to create an acceptable meal substitution that meets school nutrition standards and the needs of your student to the best of our ability.
For example:
Allergen = fish
Substitute = chicken, beef, pork, moose
This information is best recorded on the below Medical Statement document, which is intended to be filled out by a medical professional. After completion of this Medical Statement it may be faxed to 907-374-9442 or scanned to our Food Service Specialist. If you are unable to receive assistance from a medical professional in recording this information, please make a comprehensive list and approved substitutions to the best of your ability and email or fax it to our Food Service Specialist who will then record the information in the school database.
Dylan Bourne
Food Service Specialist